New Blog!

I recently started a new blog, titled: This Is Me. It’s different to this blog, and more personal.

Here’s an excerpt out of my first post:

I think from the moment that we are born, we begin to accumulate various titles. Some of them, we choose for ourselves, some of them are chosen for us by others, and sometimes, no one gets a say. … To different people, we are different things. For ourselves, we are a number of different titles. But I don’t say that I am a sister and a daughter and a friend and a supporter. No, I am me. Zenia. And this – this blog- is a part of me.

I am a Nerdfighter. A title I chose for myself. Being able to call myself a Nerdfighter – being a part of Nerdfighteria- helped me to become more self-accepting. I started to not care about what Decepticons thought.

Of course, I’ll still be running this blog in the same way as before. 🙂

Happy reading,
